| Oct 26, 2008 - Santa Fe to San Luis, Argentina | (click to enlarge)
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 | We've seen lots of really elaborate grave yards
| | This is our hotel in San Luis, just a neighborhood place to stay
| | Every Latin town has a central Catholic cathedral
| | Statue of General San Martin, liberator of South America
| (click to enlarge)
 | | | | Statue across the street from the main Catholic cathedral
| After our short travel day to Resistence, we've had 2 long days, 587 km. and 660 km. (that's 360/400 miles). Part of the area we've traveled through reminds us of north Texas. Very flat, with large areas of all sand and pine trees. We've even seen lots of cactus growing. The people at both the cities we've been in travel mostly by bicycle.
Our morning devotions have really come true - our only rainy day (so far) was on
Saturday, 10/25. We read Chapter 9, about the plague of hail! Fortunately, just lots of rain, but no hail.
As we got closer to San Luis, we started getting into higher country. The air is very clear, cool, and DRY! When we got into San Luis, we actually saw a WalMart! Didn't stop, just couldn't bring ourselves to shop at a WalMart in Argentina.
Along the way, we want to try some local cuisine. In San Luis, the local dish is chivito, which is grilled kid (that's the 4 legged variety). It was delicious and very tender.
Today, Sunday 10/26, we didn't get in the car ALL DAY!! PTL! We spent the day resting, reading, and walking around this quaint little town. It was a pleasant relief to not be "nesting" in our faithful Toyota.
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