| Dec 12, 2008 - Panama to San Jose, Costa Rica | (click to enlarge)
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 |  | show all 5 | Pineapple fields | | More pineapple | | Road erosion | | |
| We're changing countries & currency so quickly it's hard to keep up with everything! Our pockets are full of coins that are different. We have to actually check each coin to see what we have! Leaving Panama was easy - no fuss, just lots of stamping. However, we did "donate" $10 to the "kind" custom's officer who said it would be just too much trouble to take out all our luggage and search it. But, entering Costa Rica was another matter! It took nearly 3 hours to process through. No problems, we didn't have to "donate" any more money, just lots of paper work. We had to have the truck fumigated (again), buy mandatory auto insurance (only cost $15, wonder if we could make a claim on it?), and other normal border crossing issues - easy, just time consuming. We lived in Costa Rica for a whole year while in language school back in 2001. We love the country, and it was a pleasure to be back. You'll see from the photos the large pineapple plantations. The air smelled wonderful with ripened pineapple. The mountains were beautiful with the morning sun shinning on them. Also, fruit stands are everywhere, and the fruit looked wonderful! You'll also see that the roads are still bad. We found these road failures on the edges all through Costa Rica.
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